Sunday, July 26, 2020

Job Search Makeover 101 How To Create A New You - Blog Job Hunting Career Management Solutions

Job Search Makeover 101 How To Create A New You The job search is brutal. It’s tiresome. It’s akin to a roller coaster: Sometimes up, sometimes down, but almost always a bit rocky. Plus, when you’re faced with brick walls over and over, it can really start to wear on your self-esteem. Case in point: A recent CareerBuilder survey indicated that 75 percent of workers who applied to jobs using various resources in the last year never heard back from the employer. Although you may believe you’re right for the job or have the correct qualifications, you and many other job seekers are failing to nab those open positions. Maybe it’s time to strip down your job search and take it back to the beginning conduct a job search makeover to create a new you. After all, if your current job search tactics aren’t working, it may be time to switch it up. Here’s how to conduct a professional makeover: 1. Tweak your application materials You may not be hearing back from employers because your application materials are stale. Take the time to review your resume, adding points like real numbers and tangible results to give employers a picture of how you’ve positively impacted other organizations. Also be sure to tailor your resume and your cover letter to each individual job or company. Use keywords the company used in the job description, and check out their mission statement to ensure you’re reflecting their values. That way, you have a greater chance at being spotted through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or by a simple search because your materials contain job-specific keywords. 2. Create a brand What’s in a name? Well, a lot if you attach a solid brand to it. Employers want to see candidates who have established themselves professionally, even those who don’t have a ton of experience. That’s where effective branding comes in. Attaching your name to some distinct professional features can create parallels that allow employers to take you more seriously. Invest in new business cards, create a logo for yourself, or produce a blog or website focusing on your industry or niche. This will show employers you’re willing to go the extra step to stay on top of industry trends and position yourself as a thought leader. 3. Amp up your social presence Social is everything these days. In fact, survey after survey indicates that the majority of employers use or are planning to use social networks to screen applicants. So what’s the best way to amp up your social presence? Be professional and create conversations! For example, you can post industry news and state your opinion on key news and topics. You can also comment on a companys tweet or status update to reflect your knowledge. Both of these tactics increase your range on social networking platforms, allowing employers to see that you’re active and present. 4. Get a new wardrobe It’s not all about what you do online. The world outside of your mobile devices matters, as well. Sometimes, it’s all about how you present yourself to get an employer to take you seriously. Investing in a new professional wardrobe can make you look more polished. You don’t have to go overboard, either. Some block colored shirts, basic suits, and clean jewelry can really boost your image. Try wearing a bright color or bold necklace on a job interview to ensure you stand out in the interviewer’s mind. In addition, don’t forget to stay well-groomed and avoid overbearing cologne or perfume. A first impression can mean everything if you’re not dressed for success, you may as well not even show up. 5. Apply differently Lastly, in order to create a “new you,” you should use different application tactics. For example, instead of applying through a company website, reach out on LinkedIn, use niche job boards, attend career fairs or networking events,and take advantage of your alma mater in order to stand out. Instead of waiting for an employer to come to you, “wow” them with a personal video, infographic resume, or website that documents your search. You should also follow up with employers in a timely fashion. Often, employers receive so many applications they wind up overlooking yours. Ample follow-up, in the form of an email, phone call, a handwritten note, or even social media can make you stand out in a sea of applicants. It’s all about looking at the job search from a different angle. When you do so, you’ll have an increased shot at getting noticed. Finding a job is more about the journey than the destination. If you hit a few bumps in the road, fear not! You may just be due for a job search makeover and there’s no better time to start than now. What do you think? What are some other ways to create a job search makeover? Image Courtesy of DeanMeyersNet; Flickr

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