Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Surfers Guide to Staying Safe in the Water

A Surfers Guide to Staying Safe in the Water Staying safe in the water is imperative whenever you go surfing. The unpredictable nature of the ocean makes it incredibly dangerous. Youll need to know how to deal with any situation that may arise. But its not just the water you need to worry about! There are plenty of other things you need to be aware of. Here is a quick rundown of precautions you must take, things to look out for, and how to stay safe in the water. Learn How to Swim It may sound silly to say this, given that youre in the water, but its something that needs to be pointed out. A surfer needs to have fantastic swimming ability. You may get caught up in a precarious position with a wave or rip tide. Its imperative to your safety that you know how to swim your way out of these situations. Build Your Conditioning Surfing takes a lot out of you. Its an incredibly exhausting sport, so your fitness levels need to be the best they can be. As well as surfing, you should take on other endurance building exercises in your free time. Running is a popular way to improve your cardiovascular ability, but swimming regularly could help you prepare for life in the water. The Right Equipment Dont skimp on your gear! All of that stuff is designed to keep you safe, so do not cut corners under any circumstances. You should know which is the right wetsuit to wear in different weather conditions. You should look at men and womens rashguards to prevent abrasions. You should load up on sunscreen to avoid getting burned by the rays. First Aid As any surfer will tell you, its a sport that is incredibly prone to causing bumps, bruises, and cuts. Treating these immediately is very important. Especially when it comes to open wounds, youll need to have first aid skills to treat it properly. Youll have to act quickly to prevent infection. You might also consider headwear as a means to avoid harmful concussions. Dont Overdo It Surfers, by their very nature, are adrenaline junkies. And when youre pumped full of adrenaline, its hard to gauge a rational judgment. Try to keep your feet on the ground (or the board, as it were). Dont attempt to ride waves that are beyond your capabilities, or you could have an accident. Learn how to identify and avoid a rip current. Be Aware of the Weather The weather can bring your plans to a screeching halt. This can be disappointing if youve been planning a day of surfing. But dont attempt to surf in extreme conditions! This can cause accidents that are beyond your control. Its better to be safe than sorry. Stay away from the water if you dont think its appropriate. You should always check the weather forecast before heading to the beach, so you know what to expect throughout the day. Being aware of the above will make sure that you eliminate risk and are free to enjoy yourself. Happy surfing! Image Source; Image Source; Image Source; Image Source

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