Tuesday, December 17, 2019

22 Job Search Motivation Strategies from FlexJobs Readers

22 Job Search Motivation Strategies from FlexJobs Readers22 Job Search Motivation Strategies from ReadersStaying motivated through a job search can be challenging. When you start looking for a job, you can often feel very optimistic about the ease with which you will find your next job, but even the best job search can have moments of frustration or confusion. Prepare for those discouraging moments with these great job search motivation strategies from our readers.We recently ran a contest where we asked readers to tell us what motivates them to keep up with their job search, and 40 people responded with excellent advice.For a chance to win a free membership, enter our latest contest here Here are 22 job search motivation strategies our readers use to stay positive and motivated1. Set a job search alarm. Deb says, I platzset an alarm on my tablet for the same time every day indicating this is my hour or two that I need to search for employment. I make a point that I cant get up from my computer until I have applied for at least 2-3 positions. Afterward, I treat myself to something like a walk in the park, baking cookies, reading a chapter from a book, taking a nap, etc.2. Use Saved Search functions. Libby says, I have a lot of saved searches on my favorite sites, so Im able to scan through pretty quickly. I found myself burning out quickly when I was reading every posting in detail, so now I scan quickly and only open those that catch my eye. (Hey- recruiters are scanning our resumes just as quickly, right?)3. Try Meetup.com for networking. Leigh says, I looked on meetup.com for a job seekers networking group in my area. I had to go to more than one to find one that was a good fit, but when it did it was a surge of positive energy that gave me renewed motivation.4. Set goals and look forward to obstacles. Diana P. says, Finding the RIGHT job is bedrngnis an easy task. It takes patience, perseverance and lot of self-confidence and faith that sooner or later you will succeed. What motivates me? As a genuine Sagittarius, I always set goals, and I do notlagelagelage give up until I achieve them no matter of the obstacles and namely obstacles make us stronger and more sophisticated. So, no matter what, keep smiling and keep walking.5. Find one yes. Meema says, I tell myself I only need ONE yes. This helps me go through the NOs, keeping in mind that I am getting closer to that YES.6. Think about getting back to work. Enushi says, Your determination to get back to workkeeps you motivated all the time.7. Identify your motivation. Helen says, Its amazing just how motivated I am in my search, and its a pity that employers cant run their companies based on my needs Your motivation is there, you just have to identify what it is, and the world will then revolve around it.8. Make time for hobbies. Mary says, I stay motivated during my job search by making sure I schedule a time to do something I enjoy, whether its working on one of my hobbies or just s pending some time curled up with hot tea and a good book9. Do things you like. Christine says, I have a few things that I do 1. Walk and play with my dog 2. Go outside 3. Stop and take care of anything else read, clean, laundry, etc.10. Dont isolate yourself. Charlotte says, 1- Exercise several days a week. 2- Take breaks and go outside to clear your head when you feel less productive. 3- Dont stay isolated all day long. Work from a caf if necessary to stay connected.11. Keep going. Rob says, Never give up.12. Maintain your positivity. Lisa says, I keep a positive attitude and continue looking every day. I give a 100% in every job that comes along, and that keeps me going knowing that I am worth their time. My attitude is if they dont hire me, that is their loss, not mine. Never give up because good things come to those who wait.13. Stay organized. Violeta says, Strive to start from an optimistic mindset. Research not only job opportunities but also inspirational stories. Enroll in online courses to improve skills. Keep the applications organized using Excel or Trello.14. Know what boosts your well-being. Jamshid V. says, Finding a job is a job in itself, so the better I get at job search, the luckier I get. What motivates me I am always after that perfect job or at least a role that ticks off the points for my ideal role. If I am low on motivation, I get a scrap of paper and write down why I need to be fired up for job search. Bills, family well-being, gym membership (my well-being) and many more. After writing this list down and seeing it every day gives me the motivation to do more job search. Networking with folks in the industry and building a rapport has become a hobby of mine. The more rapport I have with them the closer I am to getting an interview or secure a role. Now thats another motivation In my spare time, I read books that are good for my mind and read less of newspapers. I recommend reading Get The Job You Really Want by James Caan. After readi ng this book that not only motivated me but made me think outside the box on while doing a job search and writing applications. My motto is it is not over until So folks keep your persistence strong.15. Focus on the best jobs for YOU. Recheal says, Find one or two job ads that seem perfect for you, by evening, and work on them, first thing in the morning. Each application you send will bring you a great sense of accomplishment. Take time to celebrate this victory, you will get new motivation each day to search for another (job) opportunity to create another moment of victory.16. Play it as a numbers game. Emily I. says, The only way that I can do a sustained job search is to completely separate myself out from the process. I was an independent consultant for a lot of years so job searching or, in this case, assignment hunting was a pretty constant activity. To start out, I consider it a complete numbers game. I create one great resume and one great cover letter and have been known t o send out hundreds of these in a week. I do not think about whether or not I want the particular job, which is for after the interview, and I have found that it is impossible to understand a job before that. I never schedule more than two interviews in a day. I once tried three and just couldnt handle it. After the interview, I dont think about it all. It has absolutely no impact on how many emails I send out the next day. In other words, I treat it like a somewhat boring job and do not allow myself to become emotionally involved, by either being happy or rejected. It may not work for everyone, but by following these general rules I had virtually no downtime as a consultant.17. Job search outside of your house. Jasmin says, To keep motivated I like to change up my work (job search) environment. I find I get a lot less distracted by things like laundry or eating etc. when I make plans to do my work at say Starbucks or the library. It gives more structure to the time and place when I need to be focused on looking for work and, of course, the additional treat of a coffee helps with motivation too18. Let your hobbies help your job search. Hayley says, To stay positive while job searching, I have been turning to one of my hobbies writing. Ive always wanted to write childrens stories, so I am taking a course, and already have my first chapter and working title completed It got me thinkingso I also started writing a self-help book on staying positive while job searching In writing this (more for myself, at the moment), it keeps my head in good space and has allowed to branch out even further in my writing It is so easy to become depressed and complacent. This helps me keep up my energy, time management, and it helps hone my skills of proofreading and editing Hopefully, soon, it will be working in my writing around my new work from the home schedule19. Wake up with a mantra. Carrie says, When I wake up I immediately tell myself that I will get the job that works for me, my lifestyle, and my financial well-being. I created my office space and had put it out in the universe, ask, and you shall receive. You have to stay positive, be positive, and think positive and positive things will come. I take breaks throughout the day and on those breaks, I get re-energized and get back to the computer by thinking that the next application will be the one. I do NOT get discouraged.20. Eat an energy-boosting diet. Leslie says,Keep a regular work schedule of job search activity like its a full-time job.Celebrate the small wins during the day.Focus on the positive.Get up to exercise during the day, even small chunks of time, whether a walk outside or jumping on the rebounder (mini-trampoline).Eat foods that boost energy and mood.Consider how many people in the world are in much less fortunate situations, and count my blessings.21. Be grateful for what you already have. Sara says, I wake up each morning and look at my beautiful two children. I am looking for the perfect job that will let me find fulfillment in my career while still being an active participant in the lives of my boys. They are my motivation I want to be around while they are still little, and that is what I am fighting for every time I submit an application. Who says a women cant have it all?22. Trade your skills for goods and services. Ann says, Once I apply for two jobs, I give myself a break and do something fun maybe go for a walk, make dinner from scratch (that doesnt happen when Im working FT), or make a lunch date with a friend. I have also stepped up my volunteer time. Since Im not working right now, this gives me that sense of community I miss from working with a team. It also serves as a great networking outlet. I have also learned that I can trade my skills for something I want for example since Im unemployed I was going to give up my gym membership. The gym owner made a trade with me Ill update his website and do some other marketing he needs, and I get a fre e membership for a few months. This is actually helping me improve my skills and keep them fresh while waiting for that next great job to come along.We love hearing how people focus on the things they can control and keep an open mind and positive attitude. Check out our success stories for more motivation and inspiration from successful members who found their dream jobsReaders, what job search motivation strategies do you utilize? Have you tried any of the tips listed by our readers? Let us know in the comments

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