Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Create a Copywriting Portfolio of Spec Ads

How to Create a Copywriting Portfolio of Spec AdsHow to Create a Copywriting Portfolio of Spec AdsPreparing an advertising portfolio of spec ads- ones youve created to show off your skills, not for an actual client- may make you feel like an amateur. But creative directors at advertising agencies have hired their fair share of budding copywriters based on spec work alone. If youre fresh out of college or want to make a career change to advertising copywriter, here are some suggestions for creating an impressive spec ad portfolio. Diverse Mediums If you want to break into advertising, youll need to show you can work in several different mediums. Maybe youre most comfortable with print ads. Even so, you should include copy for TV and radio commercials, websites, and emails in your spec portfolio. Otherwise, youll start out at an immediate disadvantage against other newbies who have a diversified portfolio. Dealing With Visuals Copywriters arent responsible for the visual compon ents of advertisements, but that shouldnt stop you from indicating in your copy-only portfolio what images you picture going with your words. Doing that will show youre a wordsmith who can appreciate how your work merges with that of the design professionals in an agency. Similarly, you shouldnt try incorporating images into your portfolio whether or not youve paid for their use. You should let your copy speak for itself. And if you used copyrighted images you didnt pay for- and that would be obvious if the photo sites name is visible- it would be an ethics red flag in a creative directors eyes. Creative directors would much rather binnensee a portfolio of outstanding pieces of copy on plain white paper than dressed-up ads with someone elses stolen images. Going Small or Big When youre just starting out, it makes sense to begin your career at a smaller agency that might be more likely to take a chance on someone with only a spec portfolio. Small shops are a great training ground where you can work closely with and learn from the minimal staff. However, dont discount the bigger agencies. They, too, might give you an opportunity if you make a great initial impression on them. Wow Factor Just because your portfolio consists of spec ads doesnt mean it shouldnt be amazing. Make your book more than just good. It should impress the creative director with solid, clever, salable copy that showcases your talent. If your book is mediocre, the CD is going to think so-so is the best you can do and theyll look elsewhere for someone to wow them. Think of it this way, too Stand a copywriter with some experience against a recent college grad with no prior experience. If the copywriter with some experience has a lackluster portfolio and the college grad has an outstanding portfolio, that college grad has leveled the playing field and may even have the advantage in hiring. Persistence and Patience Its hard when you want an ad career not to stress over every detail. T heres nothing wrong with wanting everything to be absolutely perfect just dont let that desire for perfection psych you out. Be persistent and patient, do your best work, and you will find your way into a job.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Why spending money on happy is worth it

Why spending money on happy is worth itWhy spending money on happy is worth itIf youve been reading my blog for a while, you know that Im not one of those financial bloggers who tells you to give up everything you love in order to pay off debt and build up savings. Yes, it takes some sacrifice to get yourself to a better financial situation. Thats true when you want to make any kind of change or improvement. But I also believe that its incredibly important to allow yourself joy and comfort along the way.Have you ever decided you wanted to get fit and/or lose weight? Youve probably tried a handful of different diets or exercise routines. You tell yourself youre not going to eat ANY sugar and youre going to work out every single day. How long does that usually belastung for you? In my experience, it doesnt last very long. I like to use this analogy because I think that physical wellness and financial wellness are very similar. If you restrict yourself from having anything that you enjo y, youll give up and go completely in the other direction.For example, every time I have done aWhole 30, I have completely gorged myself on cheese and chocolate after its over. Thats not sustainable And then it makes me feel like I undid all the healthy progress I made before (because I definitely did). So my new goal is to create a lifestyle that encourages and supports healthy eating, so that Im taking care of myself overall, while still allowing myself things I love, like chocolate and beer, once in a while.Thats why I think its so important to build the things that make you happy into your budget. There are many benefits, both to you and to your financesIt improves your quality of lifeWhen you align your money with yourdeeply-held values, you will feel happier and mora fulfilled. Values are beliefs and principles that make what we do in life worthwhile and meaningful to us. Your financial goals will be a lot easier to attain if they line up with what you believe in most. Plus, i f youre doing the things that you love most, your quality of life will improve.I love to travel, but travel can be expensive. Maybe its mora responsible to save and invest the money I would use on travel, but I dont think I would have a very good quality of life if I did that. Yes, I have saved my emergency fund and I prioritize my retirement savings, but I also get so much joy from traveling the world. That is why I save money throughout the year for travel. It is a specific line item in my budget, so that I am able to travel regularly. This is absolutely worthwhile for me, because I dont want to wait until retirement to see the world.It makes other sacrifices worth itOf course, you cant just continue spending money on the things that make you happy and expect your budget to magically work better. The key to affording the things you love the most is making room for it in your budget. The way you can make room for something is either to bring in mora money or reduce or eliminate oth er spending.When youre clear on where you want your money to be going, it gets easier to stop spending in other areas. For example, if you love trying new restaurants with your friends, youll have to have a larger dining budget. In order to make room for that, you must choose another area where you will cut back. Perhaps that area is cabs. If its obvious that youre cutting back on that expense to allow for the more important expense, itll be more motivating to take the bus.It makes it easier to stick to a budgetHave you ever tried to implement abudgetbut gave up when it felt too restrictive? I hear you Humans arent very good at restriction we need moderation. Building fun or relaxing things into your regular budget will make it feel less like youre on a budget and more like youre creating a plan to afford the things you enjoy.For example, Dan and I are going to visit friends in Virginia Beach in a couple weeks. Well want to make sure we can go out to eat and do other activities with out being stressed about our budget. This means that well probably avoid going out to eat between now and then. Yes, maybe itll be a bummer to forego Thai takeout this weekend, but having dinner with our friends will be more fun and more worth the money. Keeping these priorities top of mind makes it easier to make these decisions in the moment.It reduces the scarcity mindsetMindset has a huge impact on everything in our lives. If you believe that youll never have different circumstances, youll likely never try to change your circumstances. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy. The scarcity mindset means that you think that youll never have enough. Enough money, enough stuff, enough experiences, etc. Does that resonate with you? When it comes to money, this mindset impacts your behavior, and makes it less likely that youll be thoughtful and discerning with your spending.However, if youre creating space for joy, and prioritizing that spending, it will feel more like you have what you need. What do you need to have in your life in order to feel like you have enough?- - - Of course, even if you prioritize spending money on the things that make you happiest, there is going to be a limit to your spending. I want you to spend money on happy, but I dont want you to spend with abandon. You should still be living within your means and automating your savings. The key is to build your values and happiness-spending into your budget. If there isnt enough room for them, figure out what you can cut out to make the room.Maggie Germano is a feminist and financial coach for women. She helps women improve their relationship with money so they can take control of their financial future. She does this through one-on-one financial coaching, workshops, writing, and speaking engagements. She also founded Money Circle, which is a safe space for women to talk about money without feeling judged. Its a way to create community and openness around personal finance. Passionate about many issues affecting women, Maggie is a member of the Womens Information Network and was trained as a salary negotiation facilitator by AAUW.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

22 Job Search Motivation Strategies from FlexJobs Readers

22 Job Search Motivation Strategies from FlexJobs Readers22 Job Search Motivation Strategies from ReadersStaying motivated through a job search can be challenging. When you start looking for a job, you can often feel very optimistic about the ease with which you will find your next job, but even the best job search can have moments of frustration or confusion. Prepare for those discouraging moments with these great job search motivation strategies from our readers.We recently ran a contest where we asked readers to tell us what motivates them to keep up with their job search, and 40 people responded with excellent advice.For a chance to win a free membership, enter our latest contest here Here are 22 job search motivation strategies our readers use to stay positive and motivated1. Set a job search alarm. Deb says, I platzset an alarm on my tablet for the same time every day indicating this is my hour or two that I need to search for employment. I make a point that I cant get up from my computer until I have applied for at least 2-3 positions. Afterward, I treat myself to something like a walk in the park, baking cookies, reading a chapter from a book, taking a nap, etc.2. Use Saved Search functions. Libby says, I have a lot of saved searches on my favorite sites, so Im able to scan through pretty quickly. I found myself burning out quickly when I was reading every posting in detail, so now I scan quickly and only open those that catch my eye. (Hey- recruiters are scanning our resumes just as quickly, right?)3. Try for networking. Leigh says, I looked on for a job seekers networking group in my area. I had to go to more than one to find one that was a good fit, but when it did it was a surge of positive energy that gave me renewed motivation.4. Set goals and look forward to obstacles. Diana P. says, Finding the RIGHT job is bedrngnis an easy task. It takes patience, perseverance and lot of self-confidence and faith that sooner or later you will succeed. What motivates me? As a genuine Sagittarius, I always set goals, and I do notlagelagelage give up until I achieve them no matter of the obstacles and namely obstacles make us stronger and more sophisticated. So, no matter what, keep smiling and keep walking.5. Find one yes. Meema says, I tell myself I only need ONE yes. This helps me go through the NOs, keeping in mind that I am getting closer to that YES.6. Think about getting back to work. Enushi says, Your determination to get back to workkeeps you motivated all the time.7. Identify your motivation. Helen says, Its amazing just how motivated I am in my search, and its a pity that employers cant run their companies based on my needs Your motivation is there, you just have to identify what it is, and the world will then revolve around it.8. Make time for hobbies. Mary says, I stay motivated during my job search by making sure I schedule a time to do something I enjoy, whether its working on one of my hobbies or just s pending some time curled up with hot tea and a good book9. Do things you like. Christine says, I have a few things that I do 1. Walk and play with my dog 2. Go outside 3. Stop and take care of anything else read, clean, laundry, etc.10. Dont isolate yourself. Charlotte says, 1- Exercise several days a week. 2- Take breaks and go outside to clear your head when you feel less productive. 3- Dont stay isolated all day long. Work from a caf if necessary to stay connected.11. Keep going. Rob says, Never give up.12. Maintain your positivity. Lisa says, I keep a positive attitude and continue looking every day. I give a 100% in every job that comes along, and that keeps me going knowing that I am worth their time. My attitude is if they dont hire me, that is their loss, not mine. Never give up because good things come to those who wait.13. Stay organized. Violeta says, Strive to start from an optimistic mindset. Research not only job opportunities but also inspirational stories. Enroll in online courses to improve skills. Keep the applications organized using Excel or Trello.14. Know what boosts your well-being. Jamshid V. says, Finding a job is a job in itself, so the better I get at job search, the luckier I get. What motivates me I am always after that perfect job or at least a role that ticks off the points for my ideal role. If I am low on motivation, I get a scrap of paper and write down why I need to be fired up for job search. Bills, family well-being, gym membership (my well-being) and many more. After writing this list down and seeing it every day gives me the motivation to do more job search. Networking with folks in the industry and building a rapport has become a hobby of mine. The more rapport I have with them the closer I am to getting an interview or secure a role. Now thats another motivation In my spare time, I read books that are good for my mind and read less of newspapers. I recommend reading Get The Job You Really Want by James Caan. After readi ng this book that not only motivated me but made me think outside the box on while doing a job search and writing applications. My motto is it is not over until So folks keep your persistence strong.15. Focus on the best jobs for YOU. Recheal says, Find one or two job ads that seem perfect for you, by evening, and work on them, first thing in the morning. Each application you send will bring you a great sense of accomplishment. Take time to celebrate this victory, you will get new motivation each day to search for another (job) opportunity to create another moment of victory.16. Play it as a numbers game. Emily I. says, The only way that I can do a sustained job search is to completely separate myself out from the process. I was an independent consultant for a lot of years so job searching or, in this case, assignment hunting was a pretty constant activity. To start out, I consider it a complete numbers game. I create one great resume and one great cover letter and have been known t o send out hundreds of these in a week. I do not think about whether or not I want the particular job, which is for after the interview, and I have found that it is impossible to understand a job before that. I never schedule more than two interviews in a day. I once tried three and just couldnt handle it. After the interview, I dont think about it all. It has absolutely no impact on how many emails I send out the next day. In other words, I treat it like a somewhat boring job and do not allow myself to become emotionally involved, by either being happy or rejected. It may not work for everyone, but by following these general rules I had virtually no downtime as a consultant.17. Job search outside of your house. Jasmin says, To keep motivated I like to change up my work (job search) environment. I find I get a lot less distracted by things like laundry or eating etc. when I make plans to do my work at say Starbucks or the library. It gives more structure to the time and place when I need to be focused on looking for work and, of course, the additional treat of a coffee helps with motivation too18. Let your hobbies help your job search. Hayley says, To stay positive while job searching, I have been turning to one of my hobbies writing. Ive always wanted to write childrens stories, so I am taking a course, and already have my first chapter and working title completed It got me thinkingso I also started writing a self-help book on staying positive while job searching In writing this (more for myself, at the moment), it keeps my head in good space and has allowed to branch out even further in my writing It is so easy to become depressed and complacent. This helps me keep up my energy, time management, and it helps hone my skills of proofreading and editing Hopefully, soon, it will be working in my writing around my new work from the home schedule19. Wake up with a mantra. Carrie says, When I wake up I immediately tell myself that I will get the job that works for me, my lifestyle, and my financial well-being. I created my office space and had put it out in the universe, ask, and you shall receive. You have to stay positive, be positive, and think positive and positive things will come. I take breaks throughout the day and on those breaks, I get re-energized and get back to the computer by thinking that the next application will be the one. I do NOT get discouraged.20. Eat an energy-boosting diet. Leslie says,Keep a regular work schedule of job search activity like its a full-time job.Celebrate the small wins during the day.Focus on the positive.Get up to exercise during the day, even small chunks of time, whether a walk outside or jumping on the rebounder (mini-trampoline).Eat foods that boost energy and mood.Consider how many people in the world are in much less fortunate situations, and count my blessings.21. Be grateful for what you already have. Sara says, I wake up each morning and look at my beautiful two children. I am looking for the perfect job that will let me find fulfillment in my career while still being an active participant in the lives of my boys. They are my motivation I want to be around while they are still little, and that is what I am fighting for every time I submit an application. Who says a women cant have it all?22. Trade your skills for goods and services. Ann says, Once I apply for two jobs, I give myself a break and do something fun maybe go for a walk, make dinner from scratch (that doesnt happen when Im working FT), or make a lunch date with a friend. I have also stepped up my volunteer time. Since Im not working right now, this gives me that sense of community I miss from working with a team. It also serves as a great networking outlet. I have also learned that I can trade my skills for something I want for example since Im unemployed I was going to give up my gym membership. The gym owner made a trade with me Ill update his website and do some other marketing he needs, and I get a fre e membership for a few months. This is actually helping me improve my skills and keep them fresh while waiting for that next great job to come along.We love hearing how people focus on the things they can control and keep an open mind and positive attitude. Check out our success stories for more motivation and inspiration from successful members who found their dream jobsReaders, what job search motivation strategies do you utilize? Have you tried any of the tips listed by our readers? Let us know in the comments

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Saving Lives on Old Motorcoaches

Saving Lives on Old Motorcoaches Saving Lives on Old Motorcoaches Its been some 20 years since several American students died in a bus crash while studying abroad in India, a tragedy described as a watershed highlighting that seat belts can save lives on mass transportation as well as cars. It took until 2013 for the U.S. to pass a federal law requiring lap and shoulder seat belts for passengers and drivers on large buses but only on those purchased after 2015. In a project originally motivated by the crash in India, researchers at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst College of Engineering have entwurfed a practical and economical seatbelt device that can be retrofitted on existing motor coaches to make travel safer. UMass students became interested about eight years ago after attending a workshop conducted by Saras Wish Foundation, a nonprofit established by the parents of one student who lost her life in India. A key goal of the organization is to create greater awarene ss about safety in international transportation and travel, especially in student study abroad programs. The UMass gruppe set out to design a portable seat belt for bus passengers so that a traveler could take it anywhere. While the invention welches featured in newspaper articles and TV news shows, it never got off the ground. The difference between what we could show as an invention and how we could commercialize it is a common problem, says Sundar Krishnamurty, UMass professor and department head of mechanical and industrial engineering, and site-director of the Center for e-Design. We couldnt find the penetrable market or find a viable way for it to become a business entity. No one wanted to take the next step. A retrofit seat belt design. Image UMass Refinement and testing continued through the early part of this decade, and the passage of the motorcoach seatbelt law breathed new life into the project. Researchers decided to focus on what could be done for existing buses (30,00 0 in the U.S., or some 80% of those on U.S. roads) that could still legally operate without seatbelt protection. After meeting with bus companies, it was learned that the companies wanted seatbelts as part of the structure rather than as a portable device for a number of reasons including mora reliable anchoring, and it must be affordable as well, meaning it would probably have to be installed without removing and re-installing existing seats. So the team, continuing to be led by Krishnamurty, with different members, went back to the drawing board. We have produced a way to tie the person to the structure of the bus now, he says. The seatbelt, designed to meet federal standards, is tied down to the same structural frame where the seats are now anchored the portable seat belt didnt have such an anchoring point. The new design is structurally a lot safer, he adds. The design allows for customization based on the design, condition, and various configurations of motor coach seats. It fe atures a center support typically behind each seat that connects rigidly to the floor via a base plate. That support bears or shares the loads of where the belts are anchored. This maintains the integrity of the existing bus frame structure, according to Krishnamurty. Earlier estimates of cost per bus for retrofitting buses with seatbelts came in around $40,000, too costly for bus owners. This new design is expected to cost about $10,000-$15,000 per bus to implement. Also this time, the team has some financial support to help commercialize the patent-pending system. The project was recently awarded $50,000 by the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps, a program that aims to prepare engineers to extend their focus beyond the laboratory. This design is affordable because it is the only known way to add seat belts to existing motor coaches without replacement of all the seats, says Krishnamurty. Furthermore, it will be minimally intrusive and noticeable to passengers. Thus, we c an expect many bus owners to be interested in a means to improve the critical safety and comfort of their passengers. The research team has partnered with Peter Pan Bus Lines, which began ordering all of its buses with three-point seatbelts ever since they were made available in 2009, but it still has many buses built before then. We had been told by some manufacturers that a retrofit of belts on existing seats and floor anchoring was not possible, according to Michael Sharff, director of planning and development for Peter Pan and general manager of Peter Pan Transportation Services. This is a huge development in advancing safety and security of bus passengers, and I expect great interest in this program by the industry. The project has taken much more than engineering skills to make it successful, says Krishnamurty, who has met with a variety of stakeholders including elected and appointed government officials, seat and seatbelt manufacturers as well as bus companies. Even though y oure a mechanical engineer, you need to be able to understand the business side and advocacy. What Im learning is having a design innovation is just a starting point. If you want to make a change in peoples lifestyles, it requires not just a village, probably a town or something even bigger, he says. Nancy S. Giges is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionIts a common problem the difference between what we could show as an invention and how we could commercialize it.Prof. Sundar Krishnamurty, University of Massachusetts

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Email Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About

Email Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About Email Resume - Is it a Scam? An emaille cover letter is comparable to a cover letter. When you send an email to possible employer, make sure its flawless when it has to do with the spelling and the grammar aspect. Even in case you craft the ideal email to send a resume, its still true that you require a killer cover letter. Youre likely to understand how to compose a cover letter email very quickly. Try to remember, the real key to a very good cover letter is personalization. It is to include your name and provide a preview of the purpose of the message. When youre requested to email your work application to a company, you are able to either copy and paste your cover letter into the body of your email, or you are able to attach it like a file, together with your resume. A good suggestion is to send the email to someone you recognize first to look at your formatting works properly. Make sure that youre utilizing an accurate emai l address. Make certain your email doesnt have all sorts of virus. Be careful in regards to the time you decide to send your resume email. Your introductory email is among the absolute most important things to get right in order to make the most of the responses to your resume. Should you decide you need or will need to incorporate a cover letter, you are able to either post the text directly in the email or attach it like a second file as well as your resume. Steer clear of any formatting in the resume email text If you would like your email to be read, a good idea is to remove all of the formatting. The format is really straightforward. If you save your resume to a particular file format but the employer might not be in a position to open it, odds are your application example could possibly be ignored. You always ought to apply the method by which the employer asks. All recruiters are wanting to discover the ideal candidate. When its by email, you might be advised about wh at format you need to use for your resume, what things to include in the topic line of the email message, and by once the employer should receive it. Just try to create the email really short and easy, so the employer could read the email easily. Top Email Resume Choices Yet another tip, always remember to create your whole job application relevant and specific to the job which youre attempting to land. It is very important to figure out the status of your job application. There are steps that you may take to make your resume email stick out from the rest. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. When youve written your amazing cover letter providing more info on your expertise and the way it is related to the job which youre applying for, its important to format it correctly before sending it to any recruiters. You simply put in the persons name and company and the application will respond with a significant platzset of potential email addresses. Actually, you may look at your email signature as the digital equivalent of your organization card. Without a signature at the conclusion of your email cover letter, you might be passing up incredible possible job opportunities. Despite the fact that its quick and simple to send an email, it doesnt signify you should write anything under a thorough cover letter focused on why you are a superb match for the job youre applying for. When it isnt formatted correctly, you might be passing up the work prospect. If youre on the lookout for work, odds are good that therell be times that you want to send your resume and cover letter to a hiring manager via email. The main reason why you chose the job needs to be apparent in the very first paragraph. Most email providers make it simple to attach a document. Explain who you are, why youre emailing and why you wish to work for the business. After that, move to LinkedIn to see whether you may locate their email address. Als o, its extremely important your own email id appears professional.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Survey Identifies Customer Loyalty Best Practices

Survey Identifies Customer Loyalty Best Practices A survey conducted by Impact Learning Systems, as part of Customer Loyalty Month, has collected and composed a list of the strongest trends in customer loyalty practices, which includes customer connection and maintaining open lines of communication. Perhaps, unsurprisingly, traditional methods were reported to net the best results regarding customer loyalty. For example, the survey found that 62.5 percent of companies still rely on the phone for reaching out to lapsed customers, eschewing direct mail and email. Maintaining 24-hour call centers were also found to be a popular way to reach customers. Companies were also found to rely heavily on personal conversations when seeking to understand how they are or are not meeting the expectations of their customers. However, while traditional methods still reign supreme where customer loyalty is concerne d, companies have recognized social media as a burgeoning tool for customer satisfaction. mora and more frequently, companies are turning to social media to provide an environment for learning and sharing for customers who can also easily comment on products and services.Commenting on the survey, Peggy Carlaw, founder and executive vice president of Impact Learning Systems, said, The response was incredible. Knowing that our clients, prospects and followers all share the same passion as it relates to Customer Loyalty is exciting. Impact Learning Systems is all about helping companies like this improve customer service and define a customer experience of value, integrity, and satisfaction.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Use Your Personal Brand to Switch Careers

How to Use Your Personal Brand to Switch CareersHow to Use Your Personal Brand to Switch CareersYour brand is what youre known for and what youre known for knowing. Use that to your advantage in making a career transition.Youre not in the job market - youre in the opportunity market.As such, branding is no longer a novelty its a necessity. Its the price of admission. And its got nothing to do with dressing for success, company logos or flashy Web sites.Branding is the best version of you.Branding is how people experience you.Branding is how people experience themselves in relation to you.Branding is what youre known for, what youre known as and what youre known for knowing.Think of it from an algebraic perspective Your brand is the coefficient, and the goal is to make that number a little stronger every day. That way, when a new job enters the equation, youre prepared to multiply the hell out of it.Heres how to use your personal brand to pave the way for career transitionDevelop a p redisposition to compromise. Meeting life in the middle doesnt make you weak or small - it makes you human and malleable. And if youre starting over, I cant think of two more appropriate adjectives to describe your ideal state of being. Ask these questions What if you adapted your skills to a more vibrant industry? What if you repackaged your talents into a volunteerism lifestyle until the economy shifted? And what if you gave away your talent to the market until they were ready to pay for it? Remember Dont commit solely to one course of action - cast a wider net. Learn to live larger than your labels, uncover new territory for personal and professional expansion and profitable use of everything you are. Will you accept the flux of life - then learn to ride it?Quality cant be your sole signature. People need to fall in love with your process as much as your product. Because if they dont love the person doing the work as much as the work itself, starting over is going to take fore ver. My suggestion Articulate the portrait of the person you want to be. Start serving people from who you are - not who you pretend to be. As you extend your brand into the marketplace, consider branding your service, your language and your honesty. Thats what will get you noticed, get you remembered and get you the job. What gives your personal brand its power?Make creativity a conscious priority. Readers often ask me how I decide what to write about each day. My answer is simple I dont - I just listen for what wants to be written. Thats how creativity works Its a process of surrendering. And if you plan to start over, thats the smartest attitude to maintain. Opportunity never stops knocking - you just stop listening.The secret is to lock into the right frame of mind to pursue opportunities as they arise, to maintain the emotional willingness to open yourself to new possibilities. For example Examine the smallest revenue centers of your business. Then ask, With some reinvention could this become a brand-new business unit? Who knows? By giving your artistic voice another outlet, you might activate a market segment that just cant wait for your arrival. Remember Creativity isnt an entitlement - it is nurtured by constant cultivation.Create a network of human healing. In the book, Who Gets Sick, Blair Justice revealed how beliefs, moods and thoughts affected health. In one particular study, his research found that social support protects your health by reducing the intensity with which you look at and react to stressful events. What they failed to mention, however, was that you dont realize how strong your support system is until the world on top of it collapses. And trust me You dont want to wait for that to happen.If you plan to start over, plan to create a network of healing to keep you alive in the process. Because without support from your loved ones, the road less traveled will become very winding. The point is Success never comes unassisted. Your pers onal brand can be an island. Ask for help early and often. And believe that the people who love you fruchtwein want nothing more than the opportunity to come through and show you so. Do you live in an atmosphere of encouragement and expectation-free support?Remember Branding isnt a novelty - its a necessity.As you make the transition through the opportunity market - not the job market - remember that if you dont make a name for yourself, someone will make one for you.Let me ask you this How do people experience you?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Hospital Secretary Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Hospital Secretary Resume SampleCustomize this Outstanding Hospital Secretary Resume SampleCreate Resume Hillary Allen100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA 91010Cell (555) 987-1234example-emailexample.comProfessional SummaryDetail-oriented and organized hospital secretary with strong medical terminology and health care anbieter collaboration skillsets. Able to remain focused and efficient in the most hectic of medical environments. Expert level accomplishment in Microsoft Office and typical position-associated computer programs.Core QualificationsHighly organized professionalMedical records managementCommunicative, polished correspondencesStrong telephone skillsDiscreet and confidentiality awareTyping at 100 wpmExperienceHospital Secretary, May 2007-October 2014New Cityland Regional Hospital New Cityland, CAPerformed secretarial and clerical duties for designated personnel of responsibility, including physicians, nurses, departments and administrators.Supervi sed clerical and coordinator staff of up to ten employees, appropriating work as needed.Provided light accounting work within databases, accounting software environments, for expense reporting and departmental payroll.Answered heavy telephone traffic, directed calls as appropriate and ensured messages clearly conveyed to targeted personnel.Maintained inventory of administrative supplies for department.Interviewed patients toward completion of required documents and files.Developed office procedures and best practices for clerical and administrative workers.Maintained professional email accounts for various physicians and flagged pertinent correspondences for provider response.Provided light personal assisting to designated physicians, as needed or directed.Education2007 Bachelor of Science, Business AdministrationUniversity of California New Cityland, CACustomize Resume

Thursday, November 21, 2019

October 2017 Jobs Report Summary

October 2017 Jobs Report SummaryOctober 2017 Jobs Report SummaryEmployers added 261,000 in October, according to the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS also noted that Septembers employment picture was not as gloomy as initially reported. The bureau revised Septembers loss of 33,000 jobs to a gain of 18,000 jobs. Since the start of 2017, U.S. employers have added nearly 1.7 million positions, or about 168,500 jobs per month, on average.October 2017 unemployment rateThe unemployment rate edged down in October to 4.1 percent - the lowest since December 2000.The unemployment rate for college-degreed workers dropped to 2.0 percent. Professionals in this group are the most highly sought-after workers by employers.Hottest industriesThe biggest job gains were in the leisure and hospitality sector, which added 106,000 jobs in October. This growth offset a decline in September that was largely due to the impact of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey.The professional and geschftliches miteinander services sector and healthcare sector also saw growth in October. Employers in professional and business services created 50,000 jobs brde month. That figure is in line with the sectors average monthly gains over the prior 12 months.Healthcare, meanwhile, increased by 22,000 jobs. Employers in this sector have added an average of 24,000 jobs per month thus far in 2017.What employers need to knowFor businesses in hiring mode, the October jobs report underscores the steep challenge employers face in the current market. The unemployment rate is at 17-year low - which means few skilled workers are actively seeking new opportunities. Further evidence of the lack of available candidates is the most Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLTS) survey, which found that 6.1 million positions were open on the last business day of August.One strategy employers can use to increase their chances of attracting top talent is focusing on the five CsCompensationCorporate c ultureCommuteCareer pathCost of livingCompensation is always important, of course, and your firm should be paying competitive salaries to hire - and keep - top talent. However, Robert Half recruiters across the country also see that job candidates are highly focused on factors that can impact their quality of life. So, during the hiring process, be sure to provide details about professional development opportunities, work-life balance programs and other perks that make your company a great place to work.What job seekers need to knowIn this very competitive hiring environment, highly skilled workers may find they receive multiple job offers. That sounds like an enviable situation - and it is - but it also can be a bit overwhelming. You may have difficulty homing in on the right opportunity when faced with a range of offers for similar positions with similar compensation and benefits packages.One way to winnow down your options is to focus on what you need most to be satisfied at work. If professional development opportunities are an absolute must, for example, identify the employer that is willing to invest in this area. If that company isnt offering a compensation package as competitive as those offered by other firms youre considering, go back to the hiring manager to see if its possible to negotiate salary. If youre a top plek for the firm, they may be willing to meet your terms. Let us help you find the right fitREQUEST TALENTSUBMIT A RESUME